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01432 279364
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Volunteer for us
Who Can Volunteer for Saxon Hall Community Centre?
Want to Volunteer, we welcome enquires from anyone. Saxon Hall is committed to promoting and actively implementing equal opportunities from all backgrounds.
We have volunteers of all ages and backgrounds with different skills and knowledge to share here at Saxon Hall and we are always welcoming new volunteers to join our team.
What Skills and Experience do I need?
Enthusiasm and the ability to bring out the best in others is far more important to us than formal qualification.
What Preparation will I be given?
All our volunteers are given a full induction and training for the role they have chosen, and ongoing support and training will be given during your volunteering time with us at Saxon Hall.
What kind of ongoing support will I receive as a volunteer?
You will receive ongoing support from our Centre Manager and training and the opportunity to gain new skills and qualifications will be offered to support your ongoing role at Saxon Hall.
How will Saxon Hall decide if I am suitable for a volunteering role?
Depending on the role you will be asked for references and may have to undergo a DBS check if the role involves young children or vulnerable adults.
How do I Apply
You can call us on 01432 279364 or you can email us saxonhall11@gmail.com. You can discuss what role you are interested in and we can then send you a role description.
Current Vacancies
We are looking for local people who are interested in becoming a Trustee or volunteer to help us run the facilities. Please get in touch if you would like to join our team.
For more information on any of these roles please contact us for a volunteer role description and a chat about the benefits of volunteering at Saxon Hall.
Tel: 01432 279 364
